
My Only Friend, The End

I was hoping for a much better ending to this year than what it's turning out to be.
This has been one of the most amazing years of my life and yet...

These past few weeks have been complete utter torture. I'm not feeling depressed or sad or homesick. But that's just it. I don't feel anything. All I do is sleep and work and sleep and work and eat and sleep and work. I haven't drawn or written anything in over a month.

I know things will get better... but when?

I've dropped people out of my life, even the ones that still want to be in it. And I just don't care. Not because I'm bitter, or angry, or even bored with them. I just don't have the time. Or maybe I don't want to have the time.

I ask myself questions every day and the only answer I give myself is sleep, tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow is today.
And today I've written in my blog.

Fuck it.


Anonymous said...

stopping smoking the sticky icky..
eat a tasty sandwich

Andrew said...

I wouldn't necessarily say stop the sticky buddha herb grass altogether, but cutting back is definitely a good idea if your mood is going south. If for nothing else, just go a few days without and see if you feel any improvement.

Then eat a tasty sandwich.

CLEM said...


Anonymous said...

"I ask myself questions every day and the only answer I give myself is sleep, tomorrow will be better."

Night after night I would tell myself this whenever I was let down or disappointed. But yanno, all I had to do was change something, and now I feel much better. I... would go into detail, but it's personal stuff that I don't feel like saying "publicly". Point is, I grew the balls to do something about the monotony. And then, what I did next, was got a tasty sandwich and ate it. :3

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you have to lose your mind before you come to your senses.

Anonymous said...

so you can eat a tasty sandwich.