
Baron Saturday

Don Quixote
SF Red
hobo after hobo
gnarly snaps and whiskey

mission accomplished


High Tide

Holy crap, where has this band been all my life.
I haven't been this blown away by a band in a long time.

I also really hope I get to go to Treasure Island again this year.
I'll be 21 for it and the lineup is outstanding.



1970s Acid Fuckfest '09

What a weekend.
It all started Thursday night
funniest night ever, I haven't laughed that hard in forever
next came Friday
1970s Acid Fuckfest '09 alla casa mia
one of the best parties I've ever hosted
then "Baron" Saturday
took a 'trip' with Riley
never going to be the same again

2009 is easily becoming the best year of my life.