
Epic Drive Home

I always love driving home really late at night.
I'm not sure why but it's always a lot of fun in my little red bug.
I think I'll miss that the most.
Anyway, what made this night epic was after I dropped off Anna in Sebastopol I got a little lost and found highway 12 and it's basically a straight shot home. And this is the perfect time for that lame ass radio station 101.7 the Fox to play in this order:
Metallica - Four Horseman
Megadeth - 99 Ways to Die
Anthrax - Caught in a Mosh
and OMG
Testament - Jump in the Pit

I was blown away. I've hardly heard them play any of those, but tonight it was the best thing to ever happen.

My belly is sick from nasty Denny's.

A Pack of Wolves played amazingly as usual and I can't wait to start on their music video and make their new album art.

PS: This would be really awesome to read!
it's even got illustrations and stuff with Abe Lincoln making a national apology.

1 comment:

CLEM said...

Dude, you're doing APOW's second album artwork AND a music video for them? Sweet jesus, Joe. That rules.