
A Clippy-Dippy Doo Da

Here's a little taste of what I've been writing:

"The Seattle air is cold.

But my fingers are still warm. That must mean my cigarette is almost out.

I took this walk to get try and get rid of that pack I stole from last Monday’s party. What a fiasco that was. I wasn’t even invited and yet I still arrived; formal Seattle attire and fashionably late. I couldn’t understand how one could be ‘fashionably late to a party they weren’t invited to. It was full of those Seattle kids that had lived there, or around the city, since they were born. They wore their hearts on their sleeves and smoked like army vets. I couldn’t stand them. I had grown up in a city where the nights were cold no matter what the day was like and the streets were always dark; whether it was because of the street lamps always broken or the lack of street lamps in general. I left because of the pretentiousness only to arrive at pretentiousness.

Now, with the city glow and the streets empty except for the occasional homeless man or woman grappling a dumpster, I was alone, and cold, except for my fingers, which were now warmed by my cigarette, melting in my hand.

This walk held no importance. I was returning some videos: A Clockwork Orange and Heathers. For once it felt empty. At 4 am the city was like a picture in a calendar. All the lights still glowing but everything was motionless. Something a tourist would look at and find peace and want to visit. Like you could make up your own stories about each of those lights and what went on in those rooms during the day. But while the streets were motionless the lights were only a daydream, like they didn’t exist. I thought maybe that’s what people in ancient times thought when they looked at the stars. They looked up and thought about what each of those lights were doing and what stories they held. So they made up their own stories about those lights. That’s something we’ve lost or taken for granted.

I continued down the block and a half to the 24 hour video store and looked at each of the signs in the windows. 50% off and buy two get one free and then the ominous Closed sign next to them. I thought it was ironic. Everything can change at 4 in the morning. I reached the store and slid the videos into the slot, not making eye contact with the nightshifter inside. On my way back I threw the rest of the cigarette pack off a bridge."

any feedback is appreciated!



Anonymous said...

hmmmm... I wonder what's made this character come to such a thoughtful night. How'd he change from before? What's his next destination and why? You going to keep this going, cause I'd like to see where this will lead. :]

James said...

Ummm, she just took the words right out of my mouth.