
Dear Artists,

To all those artists who paint/draw portraits of animals in people clothing, whether it be mystical, spiritual, or periodical, please stop. It's been done. You know how I know? I did it two years ago.

To all the artists who paint/draw portraits of girls with things, like animals or bugs or with antlers, please stop. It's been done. You know how I know? My ex-girlfriend did it a year ago.

To all the people who still read Juxtapoz, please stop. The art inside is more recycled than the paper they print it on.

To Joseph Estes, please stop. You have nothing original to say and being passive-aggressive about peoples choice in art and expression just makes you look like an asshole.


JOEmeow said...

To the irony of leaving a comment on my own post, please stop. Just because I am really bored waiting for this Animal Collective album to download does not give me the right to blab on and on and does not make me any less of a hipster.

aestournes said...


James said...

I fucking love you.