I just read this
article by Businessweek about the three types of people to "fire immediately". Not only is it wholly disturbing that there are companies and authors that are willing to fire people based on their personality but that they are also telling companies to fire them "immediately". What the fuck kind of country is this?
I've always believed (as well as some of the most influential people in history) that working for a living is the greatest injustice and inhumane thing there is about the modern world. Why should everyone have to work for someone else? Why do we complain about unemployment and joblessness when, oh I don't know, no one wants to work for assholes who will fire you after they read an article by Businessweek?
We shouldn't be falling for this political agenda that everyone is spouting, all this "jobs jobs jobs" shit is not progressive and will help absolutely no one. I found out a while ago that pursuing work has been pointless and I don't even want to work for a company or corporation ever again. I think there should be an equal opportunity for everyone to start their own business or just work for themselves.
We need to lower the standard of living. We need to allow everyone the equal opportunity to create a business and if it fails they should have the opportunity to start again. We need to disassemble the government system so that it's not "red versus blue". We need to stop complaining about situations we got ourselves into or blame others for what they did because of their own personal agenda.
Fuck Wall Street, you are all protesting the wrong thing. The people on Wall Street are just that.. people. Their jobs didn't just fall out of the sky. Although I don't think they're doing the right thing, and that corporations shouldn't be viewed as people, the fact is this argument is about money. And if these Occupy protests prove anything it's that both sides are about one thing and one thing only: MONEY.
Fuck money.