I bought tickets to Animal Collective on March 12 and the next day I'm hoping to fly off to foggy London town to meet up with Erin and then to Amsterdam to enjoy some sticky green museums.
School is going alright, except for a certain teacher who is so unbelievably dumb I don't know how in God's name she was able to teach in this study abroad program twice already. I won't go off on a rant about her but, holy shit, she brought a LASER POINTER to a museum and started using it on hundred year old paintings until a security guard rushed up to her, crying, telling her to stop. She's making us look really really bad. But, as my Grandma would probably say, there's a nice fiery layer for her in Hell.
Anyway, I'm reading at lightning speed here, I'm afraid to come back with an extra suitcase of books. I have to come up with a trade system with other students (if any of them actually read...). I found a great used book store, with a huge English section, right next to an ever better Gelato place called GROM. I go there at least twice a day. It's absolutely amazing.
I'm really going to try and update as much as I can, the internet in Italy is hard to get and is super slow.
PS: the pictures below are of some weird Gypsy market out in front of the Santa Croce. They had a creepy puppet performance going on with really scratchy, loud music from a boombox from the 1980's
PSS: tomorrow is Carnivale here in Florence. Gonna be NUTS.