I saw a really funny chalk drawing of a piranha with its eyes as x's on my bike ride home tonight. I would have taken a picture of it with my phone but it was too dark and the people in the house it was in front of probably would have thought I was crazy or something.
Anyway, I wanted to share another clip of the story I'm writing but it needs introduction.
So, I revised this tonight, but there's some backstory you need to know:
It takes place during a party the main character "Scott" and his friend "Marty B" are at with Scott's kindof-not-really-his-girlfriend-but-still-kindof-secretly-in-love-with girl friend "Emily"
(Scott and Marty's names I stole from my screenplay btw)
Anyway, Scott sees Emily flirting with some guy and decides to take a walk with Marty:
"We exited through the front door and ventured down to the sidewalk. The street was now completely hidden by the fog. Cars would pass and look like demon eyes as they emerged from the fog. Marty pulled out a couple of cigarettes (the organic kind) and we lit them up. He fumbled with the lighter as he staggered up the road. It was funny; for such a big guy he sure could get tanked pretty easily. The ends of his sentences trailed off like mud and his head kept spinning around to take in the nothingness of the fog.
The streets became more and more unfamiliar as we lumbered on. We reached a point where the fog died out and the streets became busier with bulky buildings and cracked broken sidewalks. We ranted on and on through the night, each of us taking turns spouting rubble and rambling on about God knows what. We took puffs between each sentence without hesitation and flicked our cigarettes that exploded like fireworks in our hands. Our walks were eager and off center. Bushes and trees closed in on us like a claustrophobic dream. Our heads spun at cars and windows alike. I felt my head slowly fall to my shoes and then pick up again with sudden jolt. I liked having someone to converse with who was at the same level of imparity. Though Marty had drunk more than I had I was drunk on emotions of fear, anger, aloofness and shock.
We had reached a point in the road where neither of us knew quite where we were. It felt like during the day there were unseen forces telling us where we were in the world, but at night we only had the stars. I piloted our stride and picked up the pace a little to get the corner of each block to look at the signs. They looked all the same; bulbous letters that shook back and forth from my mind. We were lost, but in a good way.
On our path we saw a hospital with a million different entrances, all of which had signs that read “Not Emergency Entrance”. There was a church with a sign that said “The Holy Spirit Resides. Find it Through Song. Join Us” and “9:30 Sunday Service. 12:00 Church School”. The “Join Us” part creeped me out. There was a schoolyard with an orange slide and wooden structure that sat on chips of wood and sand. It had a four foot fence that ran around the sides. I could see kids poking sticks through it and yelling obscenities to passersby. I remember the feeling of wanting to escape fences like that. They showed you a window of what could be but was not allowed.
We downed three cigarettes each and decided it was time to return. In our reverse journey we walked on the other side of the street, but nothing was different; not that there was hope it would be. It didn’t take long for us to reach the house. We walked in to see the party had died down and everyone was off their feet. They still chatted in that slurred manner but it was quit. I couldn’t find Emily anywhere or the fathead she was with. The butterflies returned with a vengeance."
remember: comments are awesome and they really help
PS: found this drawing of Johnny from Senior Year: He's eating skittles and asking me if there is such thing as "Unoriginal Fruit"